General Information needed:
Copy of your prior years Federal and State Tax Returns.
Names, ages and social security numbers for any new dependents.

All W2 wage, W-2P pension and W-2G state tax refund forms.

Any 1099-Misc form from other income sources, including lottery winnings.  (Note - If you had lottery winnings, I can deduct any lottery losses incurred during the year)

Any 1099-R form from any retirement/401K/ESOP/IRA distribution.

Any 1099-S form displaying the proceeds of a home sale.

Any 1099-Int and 1099-Div forms displaying all interest and dividend income.

Any 1099-B forms displaying sales of  stock/mutual funds.  We’ll need the date of acquisition for each stock and cost at purchase of each stock or “dollar cost averaging” information.

Any self employed business and/or rental property income  and expense summaries.

Any self employed health insurance, retirement savings or home office expenses paid during the year.

Any 1099-G form for unemployment income.
Alimony “income” amount, payers name and Soc. Sec. number.
Any SSA-1099 form for Social Security Benefits.

Real estate bills paid during the year, unless you mortgage escrow them.
Vehicle excise tax bills paid during the year.

Receipts or canceled checks for all charitable contributions paid during the year.

Listing of any non-reimbursed employer business expenses, safety deposit box payments, investment expenses, union dues,  work boots, work laundry costs, work related educational tuition, books, fees and mileage.

Listing of medical/dental costs incurred only if you suspect they exceed 7.5% of your income.

Refinancing “points” paid during the year  and refinance “settlement statement.”
Form 1098 displaying any mortgage interest and real estate taxes paid.
Amount or form reporting any home equity loan interest paid.

If you had child care expenses, we’ll need the “name and address of provider” their “Soc. Sec. or ID number” and the amount paid during the year for each child.

Rent paid during the year, landlords name and address, the address you rented and dates you rented.

Alimony “paid” amount, receipts, name and Soc. Sec. number.

College tuition, fees and loan interest paid or financed during the year for each student separately.
